Friday, 5 November 2010


By looking at other artists and designers I am able to see how different people work. Seeing how they are able to make different connections through their research and how this is able to effect the outcome. By exploring other peoples work I am able to gain inspiration and a better understanding of how these connections can be made with topics such as science.

Hussein Chalayan

In his work you are able to see a clear connection between art and design. Through many of his projects a visible link between his research and garment is outstanding.
I am also intersted in his work because I am able to see how his work has developed over the years becoming more confident and experimental.

                07.05.10 - Now showing at the museum                                                   of contemporary art in Tokyo

"In November 2006 Hussein Chalayan was approached by Level Vodka to create an installation to launch the drink in new markets. The result was The Level Tunnel – a 15 meters long and 5 meters high travelling installation that captures the essence of Level Vodka. After an intense and creatively challenging journey, the tunnel was finally launched in Mexico City in May 2008 from where it has since travelled to Athens for its second launch in October 2008."

From the two above images showing Hussein Chalayan work it is able to show how much he is able to vary his work.

Cocky Eek

"Eek likes to develop works in a culture of play, exploring diverse sets of lightweight spacial compositions, in which the control over the process and outcome are often uncertain. The physical experiences of her spatial works, often give the suggestion of flying, floating, or brain-silence and likes to strech the physical borders of human possibilities."   

I find the work of Cocky Eek interesting because it is so unique and different. I also feel that her work is inspirational for this project because the final outcome is not always certain, showing that it is dependant on the process part before hand.



Shelly Fox

   Images from

I feel that the work of shelley fox is both interesting and useful as i am able to see where her designs have come from. through her websites and publications you are able to see the starting images and the development processes.

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